Antonia Medeiros is a singer and songwriter from Rio de Janeiro, graduated in Bachelor of Singing at Unirio. Author of the song “Salve Toda”, which has more than 20 million views on social networks, in 2021 she released her first authoral album, entitled “Motriz”.
She is part of the vocal group Ordinarius with which she released three albums: Paralelas, Bossa 20 and Blanc. With the group, she performed several shows in Brazil and toured internationally in Japan, Germany, Spain and Panama. In 2022 she participated in the biggest Brazilian singing competition, The Voice Brasil. As a composer, she participated in several authorial music festivals in Brazil and was champion of the National Music Festival of Barbacena, MG, with her song “Mulher” and the Antonia Meirelles Music Festival of Jeremoabo, BA, with the song “Manias e Vias ”.